Versions x.y are published on the Internet.
Versions x.y.z are work-in-progress and published as LyX and SGML file on CVS. Because Deep Space 6 mirrors these SGML files and generate independend from TLDP public versions, this versions will show up there and also on its mirrors.
2015-08-18/PB: fix some broken URLs, 20151016/bie: remove broken URL to Spanish transation, 20161215/bie: update some URLs, 20170114/: update some URLs
2010-04-20/PB: extend QoS section with examples, 20130513/PB: add IPv6 NAT hints, 20130521/PB: review dhcpd, 20131019/bie: general review, 20140502/bie: add hints for nftables, 20140513/bie: extend section regarding address resolution and add source/destination address selection information, 20140515/bie: add hints for activation of privacy extension
2009-12-13/PB: minor fixes
2009-06-11/PB: extend DHCP server examples (ISC DHCP, Dibbler)
2009-02-14/PB: Fix FSF address, major update on 4in6 tunnels, add new section for address resolving, add some URLs, remove broken URLs
2008-11-09/PB: Adjust URL to Turkish howto, add some HIP related URLs, remove broken URLs
2007-11-11/PB: fix broken description of shortcut BIND
2007-10-06/PB: fix broken URLs to TLDP-CVS, minor URL update.
2007-10-03/PB: fix description of sysctl/autoconf (credits to Francois-Xavier Le Bail)
2007-06-16/PB: speling fixes (credits to Larry W. Burton)
2007-05-29/PB: import major contribution to Programming using C-API written by John Wenker, minor fixes
2007-05-23/PB: update firewalling chapter, improve document for proper SGML validation, minor bugfixes
2006-11-08/PB: remove broken URLs, add a new book (credits to Bryan Vukich)
2006-10-25/PB: fix typo in dhcp6 section (credits to Michele Ferritto)
2006-09-23/PB: add some URLs
2006-08-24/PB: check RFC URLs, fix URL to Chinese translation, finalize for publishing
2006-08-23/PB: fix/remove broken URLs
2006-08-21/PB: some review, update and enhancement of the content, replace old 6bone example addresses with the current defined ones.
2006-08-20/PB: fix bug in maillist entries, 'mobility' is now a separate chapter
2006-08-20/PB: update and cleanup of maillist entries
2006-06-13/PB: major update of mobility section (contributed by Benjamin Thery)
2005-10-03/PB: add configuration hints for DHCPv6, major broken URL cleanup (credits to Necdet Yucel)
2005-01-15/PB: minor fixes
2005-01-11/PB: grammar check and minor review of IPv6 IPsec section
2005-01-01/PB: add information and examples about IPv6 IPsec, add some URLs
2004-08-30/PB: add some notes about proftpd, vsftpd and other daemons, add some URLs, minor fixes, update status of Spanish translation
2004-07-19/PB: minor fixes
2004-06-23/PB: add note about started Greek translation, replace Taiwanese with Chinese for related translation
2004-05-22/PB: minor fixes
2004-04-18/PB: minor fixes
2004-03-04/PB: announce Italian translation, add information about DHCPv6, minor updates
2004-01-12/PB: add note about the official example address space
2004-01-11/PB: minor fixes, add/fix some URLs, some extensions
2003-10-30/PB: fix some copy&paste text bugs
2003-10-19/PB: add note about start of Italian translation
2003-08-15/PB: fix URLs, add hint on tcp_wrappers (about broken notation in some versions) and Apache2
2003-07-26/PB: fix URL, add archive URL for maillist users at, add some ds6 URLs
2003-06-19/PB: fix typos
2003-06-11/PB: fix URL
2003-06-07/PB: fix some URLs, fix credits, add some notes at IPsec
2003-06-05/PB: add some notes about configuration in SuSE Linux, add URL of French translation
2003-05-09/PB: minor fixes, announce French translation
2003-05-02/PB: Remove a broken URL, update some others.
2003-04-23/PB: Minor fixes, remove a broken URL, fix URL to Taiwanese translation
2003-04-13/PB: Fix some typos, add a note about a French translation is in progress
2003-03-31/PB: Remove a broken URL, fix another
2003-03-22/PB: Add URL of German translation
2003-02-27/PB: Fix a misaddressed URL
2003-02-12/PB: Add Debian-Linux-Configuration, add a minor note on translations
2003-02-10/PB: Announcing available German version
2003-02-10/GK: Minor syntax and spelling fixes
2003-01-09/PB: fix an URL (draft adopted to an RFC)
2003-01-13/PB: fix a bug (forgotten 'link” on ”ip link set” (credits to Yaniv Kaul)
2003-01-09/PB: a minor fix
2003-01-06/PB: minor fixes
2003-01-05/PB: minor updates
2002-12-31/GK: 270 new links added (searched in 1232 SearchEngines) in existing and 53 new (sub)sections
2002-12-20/PB: Minor fixes
2002-12-16/PB: Check of and fix broken links (credits to Georg Käfer), some spelling fixes
2002-12-11/PB: Some fixes and extensions
2002-11-25/PB: Some fixes (e.g. broken linuxdoc URLs)
2002-11-19/PB: Add information about German translation (work in progress), some fixes, create a small shortcut explanation list, extend ”used terms” and add two German books
2002-11-18/PB: Fix broken RFC-URLs, add parameter ttl on 6to4 tunnel setup example
2002-11-03/PB: Add information about Taiwanese translation
2002-10-06/PB: Add another maillist
2002-09-29/PB: Extend information in proc-filesystem entries
2002-09-27/PB: Add some maillists
2002-09-18/PB: Update statement about nmap (triggered by Fyodor)
2002-09-16/PB: Add note about ping6 to multicast addresses, add some labels
2002-08-17/PB: Fix broken LDP/CVS links, add info about Polish translation, add URL of the IPv6 Address Oracle
2002-08-10/PB: Some minor updates
2002-07-15/PB: Add information neighbor discovery, split of firewalling (got some updates) and security into extra chapters
2002-07-13/PB: Update nmap/IPv6 information
2002-07-13/PB: Fill /proc-filesystem chapter, update DNS information about depricated A6/DNAME, change P-t-P tunnel setup to use of ”ip” only
2002-07-11/PB: Minor spelling fixes
2002-06-23/PB: Minor spelling and other fixes
2002-05-16/PB: Cosmetic fix for 2^128, thanks to José Abílio Oliveira Matos for help with LyX
2002-05-02/PB: Add entries in URL list, minor spelling fixes
2002-03-27/PB: Add entries in URL list and at maillists, add a label and minor information about IPv6 on RHL
2002-03-04/PB: Add info about 6to4 support in kernel series 2.2.x and add an entry in URL list and at maillists
2002-02-26/PB: Migrate next grammar checks submitted by John Ronan
2002-02-21/PB: Migrate more grammar checks submitted by John Ronan, add some additional hints at DNS section
2002-02-12/PB: Migrate a minor grammar check patch submitted by John Ronan
2002-02-05/PB: Add mipl to maillist table
2002-01-31/PB: Add a hint how to generate 6to4 addresses
2002-01-30/PB: Add a hint about default route problem, some minor updates
2002-01-29/PB: Add many new URLs
2002-01-27/PB: Add some forgotten URLs
2002-01-25/PB: Add two German books, fix quote entinities in exported SGML code
2002-01-23/PB: Add a FAQ on the program chapter
2002-01-23/PB: Move ”the end” to the end, add USAGI to maillists
2002-01-22/PB: Fix bugs in explanation of multicast address types
2002-01-22/PB: Cosmetic fix double existing text in history (at 0.16), move all credits to the end of the document
2002-01-20/PB: Add a reference, fix URL text in online-test-tools
2002-01-19/PB: Add some forgotten information and URLs about global IPv6 addresses
2002-01-19/PB: Minor fixes, remove ”bold” and ”emphasize” formats on code lines, fix ”too long unwrapped code lines” using selfmade utility, extend list of URLs.
2002-01-15/PB: Fix bug in addresstype/anycast, move content related credits to end of document
2002-01-14/PB: Minor review at all, new chapter ”debugging”, review ”addresses”, spell checking, grammar checking (from beginning to 3.4.1) by Martin Krafft, add tcpdump examples, copy firewalling/netfilter6 from IPv6+Linux-HowTo, minor enhancements
2002-01-05/PB: Add example BIND9/host, move revision history to end of document, minor extensions
2002-01-03/PB: Merge review of David Ranch
2002-01-02/PB: Spell checking and merge review of Pekka Savola
2002-01-02/PB: First public release of chapter 1
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