Chapter 25. Further information and URLs

Table of Contents
25.1. Paper printed books, articles, online reviews (mixed)
25.1.1. Printed Books (English)
25.1.2. Articles, eBooks, Online Reviews (mixed)
25.1.3. Science Publications (abstracts, bibliographies, online resources)
25.1.4. Others
25.2. Conferences, Meetings, Summits
25.3. Online information
25.3.1. Join the IPv6 backbone
25.3.2. Latest news and URLs to other documents
25.3.3. Protocol references
25.3.4. More information
25.3.5. By countries
25.3.6. By operating systems
25.3.7. IPv6 Security
25.3.8. Application lists
25.4. IPv6 Infrastructure
25.4.1. Statistics
25.4.2. Internet Exchanges
25.4.3. Tunnel broker
25.4.4. Native IPv6 Services
25.5. Maillists
25.6. Online tools
25.6.1. Testing tools
25.6.2. Information retrievement
25.6.3. IPv6 Looking Glasses
25.6.4. Helper applications
25.7. Trainings, Seminars
25.8. 'The Online Discovery' ...

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