Current Status of IPv6 Support for Networking Applications

Peter Bieringer
Federico Baraldi
Simone Piunno
Mauro Tortonesi
Emanuele Toselli
Dario Tumiati

Table of Contents

1. Contents
2. Organization of the IPv6 status page
2.1. Meaning of the URLs field
2.2. Meaning of the Status field
3. Service List
4. Super Daemons and Wrappers
4.1. Inetd (7:echo, 9:discard, 13:daytime, 19:chargen)
4.2. TCP Wrappers
5. Sun RPC
5.1. Portmapper (111:sunrpc)
6. File Sharing
6.1. SMB (445:microsoft-ds)
7. File Transfer
7.1. FTP (21:ftp, 20:ftp-data [active])
7.2. RSYNC (873:rsync)
7.3. TFTP (69:udp)
8. Remote shell/login
8.1. Telnet (23:telnet)
8.2. Secure Shell (22:ssh)
8.3. R-Tools (512/tcp:exec, 513/tcp:login, 514/tcp:cmd)
9. E-Mail
9.1. Mail Transfer Agents and Mail User Agents (25:smtp)
9.2. Mailbox daemons (109:pop2, 110:pop3, 143:imap4, 220:imap3, 993:imaps, 995:pop3s)
9.3. Webmail
10. Domain Name System
10.1. Domain Name System (53:domain)
11. Information
11.1. Whois (43:whois)
11.2. Finger (79:finger)
12. HTTP
12.1. HyperText Transfer Protocol (80:http, 443:https)
13. Authentication
13.1. Ident (113:auth)
13.2. Kerberos
13.3. Simple Authentication and Security Layer
14. News
14.1. News (119:nntp)
15. Network Time Protocol
15.1. Network Time Protocol (123:ntp)
16. Chat
16.1. Internet Relay Chat (194:irc, 6667:ircd)
16.2. Jabber (5222:client-server, 5269:server-server)
17. Printing
17.1. IPP Server and Client (631:ipp)
18. LDAP
18.1. LDAP Server and Client (389:ldap, 636:ldaps)
19. X Windows
19.1. X Windows Systems (6000:x11)
20. Network Configuration
20.1. Host Configuration
20.2. Utilities
20.3. Routing
21. Logging
21.1. Event Logging
22. Development, Testing and Debugging
22.1. Application & Services Development
22.2. Applications & Services Testing and Debugging
22.3. Programming languages
23. Network Testing and Debugging
23.1. Link Testing
23.2. Route Testing
23.3. Packet Sniffers
24. Security
24.1. Firewalling
24.2. Virtual Private Network
24.3. Security-Related Tools
25. Multimedia
25.1. MP3 Players and Encoders
25.2. Movie Players and Encoders
25.3. VOIP/IP-Telephony & Videoconferencing
25.4. Audio & Video Streaming Applications
26. Databases
26.1. Databases
27. Backup
27.1. Backup
28. Transition Tools
28.1. Transition Tools
29. Contact us
30. Other sources of information
31. Credits

1. Contents

This page shows the current status of IPv6 support of the most important networking applications for Linux and *BSD. We started from the Peter Bieringer's work on his famous IPv6 Status Page and tried to extend the information provided in it.

Nowadays, the number of applications with native IPv6 support is indeed significant, as most important networking applications provide native IPv6 support and there are also many developers working on unofficial patches for pretty much anything else.

It looks like the main factor that limits the spread of IPv6 is currently shifting from a lack of applications to a general lack of interest among connectivity providers. At the moment of this writing only a few ISPs offer native IPv6 Internet access to their customers.

Things are changing fast. We do our best in keeping this page up-to-date, but we need your help for this task, so please send us a report if you find inaccuracies or obsolete information in this page, or if you simply wish us to add a new application here.

2. Organization of the IPv6 status page

This page contains information about the IPv6 support of many networking applications. For each application there is an entry containing the following fields:

Field name Meaning


This field contains the name of the application.


This field contains the name of the software package that contains the application. The application and package names are the same for most applications, although for some of them the difference is significant.


This field contains the release number of the application the information refers to.

Worked By

This field contains information about the developers who are working on the IPv6 support for this application.


This field contains the URLs at which you can download this application and (if present) the patch that adds IPv6 support to it.


This field contains comments about this application and its IPv6 support.


This field briefly summarizes the status of the IPv6 support for this application.

The applications are grouped by category.

A list of services with links to the relative application is also provided to facilitate the information retrieval.

2.1. Meaning of the URLs field

Icon Meaning Comment
Source code Sources By clicking this icon you'll jump to the URL from which you can download the sources (or the binaries) of this application.
Patch Patch By clicking this icon you'll jump to the URL from which you can download the patch that adds IPv6 support to this application.

2.2. Meaning of the Status field

Icon Meaning Comment
Not working Not working This application does not support IPv6.
Buggy Buggy The IPv6 support of this application is buggy.
Too old Too old There is a possibly unmaintained patch that enables IPv6 support for an old version of this application.
Working Working There is a patch that enables IPv6 support for this application.
Native support Native support This application natively supports IPv6.

3. Service List

Port Service Package (i.e.) Server Client
7/tcp echo inetd, xinetd available N/A
9/tcp discard inetd, xinetd available N/A
13/tcp daytime inetd, xinetd available N/A
19/tcp chargen inetd, xinetd available N/A
21/tcp ftp proftpd, wu-ftpd available available
22/tcp ssh ssh available available
23/tcp telnet telnet available available
25/tcp smtp sendmail, mutt available available
43/tcp whois whois available available
53/udp domain bind available available
69/udp tftp tftp, tftpd available available
79/tcp finger bsd-finger available available
80/tcp http apache, mozilla, konqueror available available
109/tcp pop2 This service is deprecated, use POP3 instead N/A N/A
110/tcp pop3 solidpop3 available available
113/tcp auth identd available N/A
119/tcp nntp inn, tin available available
123/udp ntp ntpdate, (x)ntpd available available
143/tcp imap4 courier-imap, mutt available available
194/tcp irc bitchx available available
220/tcp imap3 This service is deprecated, use IMAP4 instead N/A N/A
389/tcp ldap openldap available available
443/tcp https apache, mozilla, konqueror available available
445/tcp microsoft-ds samba available available
512/tcp exec rexec, rexecd available available
513/tcp login rlogin, rlogind available available
514/tcp cmd rsh, rshd available available
631/tcp ipp cups available available
636/tcp ldaps openldap available available
873/tcp rsync rsync available available
993/tcp imaps courier-imap available available
995/tcp pop3s courier-imap available available
5222/tcp jabber kopete, jabberd available available
6667/tcp ircd ircd available available
111/tcp rpcbind   available available

4. Super Daemons and Wrappers

4.1. Inetd (7:echo, 9:discard, 13:daytime, 19:chargen)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Internet super server
netkit-combo 0.17 USAGI Project Source code Patch This code is based on the original netkit package, which is no longer maintained. Too old
rlinetd 0.5.1 Maintainers Source code rlinetd is an interesting inetd replacement, with advanced socket filtering support and tcp wrapping capabilities. Native support
xinetd 2.3.11 Maintainers Source code xinetd is an incredibly-featureful and almost-bloated inetd replacement, with tcp wrapping capabilities. Native support
g2s server
g2s 0.4.1 Maintainers Source code g2s server is a featureful inetd replacement, with tcp wrapping capabilities. Native support
openbsd-inetd 0.20020802 Maintainers Source code openbsd-inetd is a port of the OpenBSD inetd daemon with some debian-specific features. This package does not have many bugs of netkit-inetd and supports IPv6, built-in libwrap, binding to specific addresses, UNIX domain sockets and socket buffers tuning. Native support
Super daemon
ucspi-tcp 0.88 Felix Von Leitner Source code Patch tcpserver waits for incoming connections and, for each connection, runs a program of your choice. Your program receives environment variables showing the local and remote host names, IP addresses, and port numbers. tcpserver offers also a concurrency limit to protect you from running out of processes and memory and provides TCP access control features, similar to tcp-wrappers/tcpd's hosts.allow but much faster. Working

4.2. TCP Wrappers

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
TCP Wrappers
tcp_wrappers 7.6 Maintainers Source code The development of tcp_wrappers has been stopped and the package seems to be unmaintained. Native support
tcpd 0.2.0 Maintainers Source code The tcpd package is an IPv6-enabled replacement of tcp_wrappers. Native support

5. Sun RPC

5.1. Portmapper (111:sunrpc)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
portmap 4.0   Source code No plans for IPv6 support are known. Not working
rpcbind 0.1.4 Maintainers Source code rpcbind is the successor of portmap with native IPv6 support. Native support

6. File Sharing

6.1. SMB (445:microsoft-ds)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Samba server
samba 3.2 Maintainers Source code Samba is the open source implementation of the SMB protocol Native support

7. File Transfer

7.1. FTP (21:ftp, 20:ftp-data [active])

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
FTP server
netkit-combo 0.17 USAGI Project Source code Patch this code is based on the original netkit package, which is no longer maintained Too old
fftpd N/A Maintainers Source code the fftpd project is still in its infancy and its author hasn't even given fftpd a version number yet Native support
pure-ftpd 1.0.14 Maintainers Source code pure-ftpd is a secure and featureful FTP server based upon troll-ftpd Native support
wu-ftpd 2.6.2 unknown Source code as wu-ftpd in the last 5 years has been by far the most vulnerable and less secure opensource ftp server, we recommend our readers not to use it. Patch from PLD is no longer available. Not working
ftpd-bsd 0.3.3 Maintainers Source code this project seems to be unmaintained - please note that versions 0.3.2 and earlier contain a remote exploitable security hole Too old
ProFTPD 1.2.9rc2 Maintainers Source code ProFTPD grew out of the desire to have a secure and configurable FTP server, and out of a significant admiration of the Apache web server. The 1.2.9rc2 release of ProFTPD features native IPv6 support. Native support
troll-ftpd 1.2.8 unknown Source code Troll-ftpd is a small, simple server for the old and hairy File Transfer Protocol, designed to use less resources than older servers, be smaller, and to never execute any external program. It supports only the most-used features and commands of FTP, and leaves out everything which is deprecated, meaningless, or correlates with trouble. Patch from PLD is no longer available. Not working
ginseng-ftpd 1.6 Maintainers Source code this server is a port of BSD-ftpd to Linux with many custom features Native support
libra-ftpd 1.3.4 Maintainers Source code the libra ftp daemon is an anonymous ftp server for Linux Native support
oftpd 0.3.7 Mauro Tortonesi Source code Patch oftpd is a lightweight anonymous ftp server for Linux - this project seems to be unmaintained Too old
vsftpd 2.0.0 Maintainers Source code vsftpd is a secure, stable and extremely fast ftp server for Unix systems. It features native IPv6 support since version 0.2.0. Native support
tnftpd 2.0 beta3 Maintainers Source code tnftpd (formerly known as lukemftpd) is a port of the NetBSD ftp server to other systems that offers many enhancements over the traditional BSD ftpd Native support
publicfile 0.52 Felix Von Leitner Source code Patch publicfile supplies files to the public through HTTP and FTP Working
moftpd 1.1.4 Maintainers Source code moftpd is a powerful yet easy to use ftp daemon with support for virtual hosts, IPv6, encryption, fine grained permissions and internationalization. Native support
WZDftpD 0.3.3 Maintainers Source code wzdftpd is a ftp server designed to be modular, to work under linux/win32/freebsd/openbsd, and to be entirely configurable online using SITE commands. Native support
FTP client
ftp 0.17-35.el5 / 0.17-51.fc12 Red Hat (Fedora) Source code Patch this patch extend the original netkit package, which is no longer maintained Working
lftp 2.6.5 Maintainers Source code lftp is a sophisticated file transfer program with job control designed with reliability in mind Native support
tnftp 2.0 beta1 Maintainers Source code tnftp (formerly known as lukemftp) is a port of the NetBSD ftp client to other systems that offers many enhancements over the traditional BSD ftp client Native support
cftp 0.12 Maintainers Source code c(omfortable)ftp is a full screen ftp client, with SFTP support Native support
ncftp 3.1.9 KAME Project Source code Patch ncftp is a free set of programs that use the file transfer protocol Working
fget 0.4.1 Maintainers Source code fget downloads a single URL (possibly including username and password) from an FTP or HTTP server Native support
KDE 3.1.2 Maintainers Source code The wonderful konqueror HTTP/FTP browser included in the K Desktop Environment supports IPv6 since the release of KDE 2.2. Every other KDE component is then supposed to inherit HTTP-over-IPv6 and FTP-over-IPv6 support. Native support
ftpcopy 0.6.4 Maintainers Source code ftpcopy is a simple FTP client written to copy files or directories (recursively) from a FTP server. It was written to mirror FTP sites which support the EPLF directory listing format, but it also supports the traditional listing format (/bin/ls) And may also be used to simply copy files. ftpcopy natively supports IPv6 since the 0.6.0 release. Native support
ftpmirror 1.96 Hajimu UMEMOTO Source code Patch Ftpmirror is an utility to copy a directory hierarchy with FTP. A similar perl script exists, whose name is mirror, but ftpmirror requires less memory than mirror. You need perl-5.000 or later to use ftpmirror. You will find the IPv6 patch for ftpmirror inside the Socket6-0.11 package, written by Hajimu UMEMOTO. Working
FileZilla Maintainers Source code FileZilla is a graphical FTP client, also supporting SFTP. IPv6 support since 3.1.0. Native support

7.2. RSYNC (873:rsync)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
rsync 2.5.6 Maintainers Source code rsync features native IPv6 support since release 2.5.0 but hosts allow/deny in rsync.conf didn't work until 2.5.6. Native support

7.3. TFTP (69:udp)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
TFTP server
tftp-hpa 0.49 Linux Kernel Project Source code IPv6 enabled since 0.49 Not working
TFTP client
tftp-hpa 0.49 Linux Kernel Project Source code IPv6 enabled since 0.49 Not working

8. Remote shell/login

8.1. Telnet (23:telnet)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Telnet server
telnet-server 0.17-39.el5 / 0.17-45.fc12 Red Hat (Fedora) Source code Patch this patch extend the original netkit package, which is no longer maintained Working
telnet-server 0.17.24 / 0.1-22 Debian Source code Patch this patch extend the original netkit package, which is no longer maintained Working
Telnet client
telnet 0.17-39.el5 / 0.17-45.fc12 Red Hat (Fedora) Source code Patch this patch extend the original netkit package, which is no longer maintained Working
telnet 0.17.24 / 0.1-22 Debian Source code Patch this patch extend the original netkit package, which is no longer maintained Working

8.2. Secure Shell (22:ssh)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
SSH server
openssh 3.6.1p2 Maintainers Source code Native IPv6 support since 2000. OpenSSH has been one of the first packages to provide native IPv6 support. Also supports scp and sftp. Can be used to secure-tunnel other applications. Native support
SSH client
openssh 3.6.1p2 Maintainers Source code Native IPv6 support since 2000. OpenSSH has been one of the first packages to provide native IPv6 support. Also supports scp and sftp. Can be used to secure-tunnel other applications. Native support

8.3. R-Tools (512/tcp:exec, 513/tcp:login, 514/tcp:cmd)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
rexec, rlogin, rsh, rcp
rsh 0.17-40.el5 / 0.17-58.fc12 Red Hat (Fedora) Source code Patch this patch extend the original netkit package, which is no longer maintained Working
rexecd, rlogind, rshd
rsh-server 0.17-40.el5 / 0.17-58.fc12 Red Hat (Fedora) Source code Patch this patch extend the original netkit package, which is no longer maintained Working

9. E-Mail

9.1. Mail Transfer Agents and Mail User Agents (25:smtp)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Mail Transfer Agents
exim 4.20 Maintainers Source code Exim is a message transfer agent (MTA) developed at the University of Cambridge for use on Unix systems connected to the Internet. It is freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. In style it is similar to Smail 3, but its facilities are more general. Native support
zmailer 2.99.55 Maintainers Source code Zmailer is an internet message transfer agent intended for gateways or mail servers or other large site environments that have extreme demands on the abilities of the mailer. The creation of this project was motivated by the problems of the Sendmail design in such situations. Native support
sendmail 8.12.9 Maintainers Source code Sendmail is probably the best known and most widely used mail transport agent in the Internet. However, as its story is full of security problems, we don't recommend its usage. Native support
qmail 1.03 Felix Von Leitner Source code Patch qmail is a secure, reliable, efficient, simple message transfer agent. It is designed for typical Internet-connected UNIX hosts. It seems that the development of qmail has been stopped and that the project is unmaintained. Too old
postfix native since 2.2.0 Maintainers Source code Postfix is Wietse Venema's mailer that started life as an alternative to the widely-used Sendmail program. Postfix attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and secure, while at the same time being sendmail compatible enough to not upset existing users. Thus, the outside has a sendmail-ish flavor, but the inside is completely different. Based on patch from Dean Strike. Native support
courier 0.42.2 Maintainers Source code The Courier mail transfer agent is an integrated mail/groupware server based on open commodity protocols, such as ESMTP, IMAP, POP3, LDAP, SSL, and HTTP. Courier provides ESMTP, IMAP, POP3, webmail, and mailing list services within a single, consistent, framework. Individual components can be enabled or disabled at will. Native support
Mail Retrieval Agents
fetchmail 6.2.2 Maintainers Source code Fetchmail is a full-featured, robust, well-documented remote-mail retrieval and forwarding utility intended to be used over on-demand TCP/IP links (such as SLIP or PPP connections). It supports every remote-mail protocol now in use on the Internet: POP2, POP3, RPOP, APOP, KPOP, all flavors of IMAP, ETRN, and ODMR. It can even support IPv6 and IPSEC. Native support
Mail User Agents
mutt 1.4.1 Maintainers Source code Mutt is a small but very powerful text-based mail client for Unix operating systems that features native support for POP and IMAP over IPv6. Native support
sylpheed 0.9.6 Maintainers Source code Sylpheed is an e-mail client and news reader based on GTK+ and running on X Window System. Native support
sylpheed-claws 0.9.5 Maintainers Source code Sylpheed-claws is a bleeding edge branch of the sylpheed e-mail client and news reader, with lots of new features. Native support
KDE 3.1.2 Maintainers Source code KMail is the excellent Mail User Agent included in the K Desktop Environment. Native support
mozilla since 1.4 Maintainers Source code Mozilla is world-class open source browser that is designed from the ground up to support open internet standards across a variety of platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, OS/2, Solaris, and many more. Mozilla provides users with acclaimed browsing convenience along with power features such as pop-up blocking and tabbed browsing. The Mozilla mail client natively supports SMTP, POP3 and IMAP4 over IPv6. Mozilla 1.4 doesn't fully support IPv6 on the Win32 platform. Native support
thunderbird since 1.0 Maintainers Source code Thunderbird is world-class open source e-mail client that is based on Mozilla. Since version 1.5 IPv6 is also supported on Win32 platform. Native support
evolution 1.4.5 Maintainers Source code Ximian Evolution is the award-winning personal and workgroup information management solution for Linux and UNIX-based systems. The software seamlessly integrates email, calendaring, meeting scheduling, contact management, and task lists, in one powerful, fast, and easy-to-use application. Native support
alpine 2.0 Maintainers Source code alpine is the successor of pine and is a tool for reading, sending, and managing electronic messages. alpine was developed by Computing & Communications at the University of Washington. See also . Native support
pine 4.62 Maintainers Source code Pine is a tool for reading, sending, and managing electronic messages. Pine was developed by Computing & Communications at the University of Washington. Though originally designed for inexperienced email users, Pine has evolved to support many advanced features, and an ever-growing number of configuration and personal-preference options. Pine is available for Unix as well as for personal computers running a Microsoft operating system (PC-Pine). IPv6 support at least since 4.62. Native support

9.2. Mailbox daemons (109:pop2, 110:pop3, 143:imap4, 220:imap3, 993:imaps, 995:pop3s)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Mailbox daemons
solidpop3d 0.15 Maintainers Source code The SolidPop3 POP3 Server is a fully RFC1939-compliant implementation of a Post Office Protocol version 3 server that has flexibility as its main goal. The server is easily configurable and supports many features such as: APOP authentication scheme, virtual hosting, maildir and mailbox handling, bulletins and expiration of messages. Native support
courier 0.42.2 Maintainers Source code The Courier mail transfer agent is an integrated mail/groupware server based on open commodity protocols, such as ESMTP, IMAP, POP3, LDAP, SSL, and HTTP. Courier provides ESMTP, IMAP, POP3, webmail, and mailing list services within a single, consistent, framework. Individual components can be enabled or disabled at will. Native support
courier 0.42.2 Maintainers Source code The Courier mail transfer agent is an integrated mail/groupware server based on open commodity protocols, such as ESMTP, IMAP, POP3, LDAP, SSL, and HTTP. Courier provides ESMTP, IMAP, POP3, webmail, and mailing list services within a single, consistent, framework. Individual components can be enabled or disabled at will. The Courier IMAP server is also available as a standalone package. Native support
cyrus-imapd 2.2.1-BETA Maintainers Source code The Cyrus IMAP server differs from other IMAP server implementations in that it is generally intended to be run on sealed servers, where normal users are not permitted to log in. The mailbox database is stored in parts of the filesystem that are private to the Cyrus IMAP system. All user access to mail is through the IMAP, POP3, or KPOP protocols. The Cyrus IMAP server software comes with a compatibility POP3 server. The 2.2.x is the development branch of cyrus-imapd which features virtual domain and native IPv6 support. At the moment the latest development release of the Cyrus IMAP server is 2.2.1-BETA and its code is to be considered of beta quality. Native support
cyrus-imapd 2.1.15 Hajimu UMEMOTO Source code Patch The Cyrus IMAP server differs from other IMAP server implementations in that it is generally intended to be run on sealed servers, where normal users are not permitted to log in. The mailbox database is stored in parts of the filesystem that are private to the Cyrus IMAP system. All user access to mail is through the IMAP, POP3, or KPOP protocols. The Cyrus IMAP server software comes with a compatibility POP3 server. The 2.1.x is the stable branch of cyrus-imapd. At the moment the latest stable release of the Cyrus IMAP server is 2.1.15. Working
dovecot Maintainers Source code Dovecot is an IMAP and POP3 server for Linux/UNIX-like systems, written with security primarily in mind. Although it's written with C, it uses several coding techniques to avoid most of the common pitfalls. Dovecot can work with standard mbox and maildir formats and it's fully compatible with UW-IMAP and Courier IMAP servers as well as mail clients accessing the mailboxes directly. Native support
Binc IMAP 1.2.10 Maintainers Source code Binc IMAP is a well designed, modular IMAP server for Maildir. Its goals are to be secure, stable, and fast, yet flexible and easy to maintain. Native support

9.3. Webmail

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
courier 0.42.2 Maintainers Source code The Courier mail transfer agent is an integrated mail/groupware server based on open commodity protocols, such as ESMTP, IMAP, POP3, LDAP, SSL, and HTTP. Courier provides ESMTP, IMAP, POP3, webmail, and mailing list services within a single, consistent, framework. Individual components can be enabled or disabled at will. The web CGI client is also available as the standalone SqWebMail package. Native support

10. Domain Name System

10.1. Domain Name System (53:domain)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
DNS Servers
bind 8
bind 8.4.4 Maintainers Source code BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) is the most deployed implementation of the Domain Name System (DNS) protocols in the Internet. BIND provides an openly redistributable reference implementation of the major components of the Domain Name System, including: a Domain Name System server, a Domain Name System resolver library and tools for verifying the proper operation of the DNS server. Starting from release 8.4.1, bind 8 supports also IPv6 transport for named, named-xfer and ndc. Native support
bind 9
bind 9.2.3 Maintainers Source code BIND version 9 is a major rewrite of nearly all aspects of the underlying BIND architecture. Some of the important features of BIND 9 are DNS Security, IPv6, DNS Protocol Enhancements, Views, Multiprocessor Support and Improved Portability Architecture. Native support
djbdns 1.05 Felix Von Leitner Source code Patch djbdns is a collection of Domain Name System tools. It includes software for all the fundamental DNS operations: DNS cache, DNS server and DNS client. djbdns also includes several DNS debugging tools, notably dnstrace, which administrators use to diagnose misconfigured remote servers. Working
newbie 0.22 Maintainers Source code Newbie is the software of Dynamic DNS and surrounding envrionment. This project is unmaintained. Too old
maradns 1.1.39 Maintainers Source code MaraDNS is a package that implements the Domain Name Service (DNS), an essential internet service. MaraDNS is intended for environments where a DNS server must be secure and where the server must use the absolute minimum number of resources possible. MaraDNS doesn't support IPv6 yet, but the developers plan to make the next 1.2 release of MaraDNS IPv6 enabled. Native support
nsd 2.1.3 Maintainers Source code NSD is a thoroughly tested, authoritative only, high performance, simple and open source name server. Native support
PowerDNS 3.3.1 Maintainers Source code PowerDNS is an alternative DNS server solution. Native support
DNS Proxies
totd 1.4 Maintainers Source code Totd is a small DNS proxy nameserver that supports IPv6 only hosts/networks that communicate with the IPv4 world using some translation mechanism. Examples of such translation mechanisms currently in use are IPv6/IPv4 Network Address and Packet Translation (NAT-PT) and Application level translators (like KAME's faithd). Native support
Other DNS Related Tools
dbind 0.1 Maintainers Source code Dbind is an automatic tool to update bind9 tables. Dbind can be used to implement dynamic DNS or as a tool to create and update IPv4 and IPv6 DNS tables just by using a single command. Since there is no need to input or edit addresses, it is very difficult to create inconsistent tables. Native support

11. Information

11.1. Whois (43:whois)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
whois 4.6.5 Maintainer Source code Whois is an improved WHOIS client. It is part of debian, mandrake, suse, PLD and other Linux distributions. Native support
v6wpd 1.0.0 Maintainer Source code The v6wpd program implements a proxy for a RIPE whois server, allowing queries from IPv6 hosts. It facilitates handling of access lists and mapping from IPv6 addresses to IPv4 addresses. Native support

11.2. Finger (79:finger)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Finger server
finger-server 0.17- / 0.17-39.fc12 Red Hat (Fedora) Source code Patch this patch extend the original netkit package, which is no longer maintained Working
cfingerd 1.4.3 Arkadiusz Miskiewicz Source code Patch cfingerd is a free and secure finger daemon replacement for standard finger daemons such as GNU fingerd or MIT fingerd. Working
ffingerd 1.28 Maintainers Source code ffingerd is a secure finger daemon that features native IPv6 support since release 1.26. Native support
Finger client
finger 0.17- / 0.17-39.fc12 Red Hat (Fedora) Source code Patch this patch extend the original netkit package, which is no longer maintained Working

12. HTTP

12.1. HyperText Transfer Protocol (80:http, 443:https)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
HTTP server
Apache HTTP Server
httpd 2.0.43 Maintainers Source code Everybody knows Apache, the most deployed HTTP server on the Internet. Apache 2.0 features native IPv6 and https support. Native support
Apache HTTP Server
httpd 1.3.27 Motoyuki Konno Source code Patch 1.3.x is still the most deployed version of Apache on the Internet, but we strongly recommend considering IPv6 support as good reason for jumping to 2.0.x. Too old
tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP Server
thttpd 2.20c Maintainers Source code thttpd is a simple, small, portable, fast, and secure HTTP server. Native support
Boa Webserver
boa 0.94.13 Maintainers Source code Boa currently seems to be the favorite web server in the embedded crowd, and embedded Linux, despite all the marketing hype, really is a big deal. Native support
webfs 1.19 Maintainers Source code Webfs is a simple http server for purely static content. You can use it to serve the content of a ftp server via http for example. It is also nice to export some files the quick way by starting a http server in a few seconds, without editing some config file first. Native support
publicfile 0.52 Felix Von Leitner Source code Patch publicfile supplies files to the public through HTTP and FTP Working
bozohttpd 20030622 Maintainers Source code bozohttpd is a small and secure http version 1.1 server. Its main feature is the lack of features, reducing the code size and improving verifiability. It supports CGI/1.1, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/1.0, HTTP/0.9, ~user translations, virtual hosting support, as well as multiple IP-based servers on a single machine. It also supports the IPv6 protocol. It has no configuration file by design. Native support
leahhttpd 0.04 Maintainers Source code The leahhttpd project aims towards developing a webserver which does everything a webhoster would need and want, efficiently and quickly. Efficiently would also entail fast data transfer, high throughput and load, support to run on as many architectures and platforms as possible (within reason), and support for new technologies and standards (such as IPv6). LeahHTTPd is not intended to be easy to configure or setup, nor is it intended to have plenty of bells and whistles to handle things that should stay in the CGI world. Native support
screws 0.51 Maintainers Source code Screws is an experimental web server written with extensibility in mind. It's designed in a little core that processes connections and petitions, setenv the spected values and calls an external program or script that processes this and shows what it wants. By this way it's possible to customize every answer of the web server, and extend it as we want in a simple way. Native support
HTTP client (e.g. the web browser)
mozilla since 1.4 Maintainers Source code Mozilla is world-class open source browser that is designed from the ground up to support open internet standards across a variety of platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, OS/2, Solaris, and many more. Mozilla provides users with acclaimed browsing convenience along with power features such as pop-up blocking and tabbed browsing. Mozilla also provides a sophisticated platform for developing web and intranet applications using cutting edge technologies such as XML, SOAP and XSLT. Mozilla 1.4 doesn't fully support IPv6 on the Win32 platform. Native support
firefox since 1.0 Maintainers Source code Firefox is world-class open source browser that is based on Mozilla. Since version 1.5 IPv6 is also supported on Win32 platform. Native support
KDE 3.1.2 Maintainers Source code The wonderful konqueror HTTP/FTP browser included in the K Desktop Environment supports IPv6 since the release of KDE 2.2. Every other KDE component is then supposed to inherit HTTP-over-IPv6 and FTP-over-IPv6 support. Native support
lynx 2.8.4 Maintainers Source code Lynx is a text browser for the World Wide Web which runs on Un*x, VMS, Windows 95/98/NT (but not 3.1x), on DOS (386 or higher) and OS/2 EMX. Ports to Mac are in beta test. Native support
netscape navigator
netscape 7.1 Maintainers Source code Since version 6.0 Netscape Navigator is derived from Mozilla, also many other free browsers are derived from the Mozilla codebase (e.g. Phoenix, Galeon). Native support
opera 7.20b Maintainers Source code Opera is a very good web browser which is famous for its speed, small size, security, customization, standards-support, and display of non-standards pages. Since version 7.20b (beta), Opera natively support IPv6 on Linux, BSD and Windows platforms. Native support
w3m 0.4 Maintainers Source code w3m is a text-based web browser as well as a pager like more or less. With w3m you can browse web pages through a terminal emulator window (xterm, rxvt or something like that). Moreover, w3m can be used as a text formatting tool which typesets HTML into plain text. Native support
links 0.98 Arkadiusz Miskiewicz Source code Patch Links is text WWW browser with tables which runs on Unix and OS/2. Unfortunately at the moment there is only an IPv6-support patch for the very old 0.92 version of links. If you are interested in using an IPv6-enabled web browser similar to links, you should probably try elinks. Too old
elinks 0.9.2rc2 Maintainers Source code ELinks is an advanced and well-established text-mode web (HTTP/FTP/..) browser forked from Links and maintained by Petr Baudis. ELinks can render both frames and tables, is highly customizable and can be extended via Lua or Guile scripts. It is very portable and runs on a variety of platforms. Native support
httrack 3.23 Maintainers Source code HTTrack is a free and easy-to-use offline browser utility that allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack also arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Native support
wget 1.9.1 Maintainers Source code GNU wget is a free software package for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP, the two most widely-used Internet protocols. It is a non-interactive commandline tool, so it may easily be called from scripts, cron jobs, terminals without Xsupport, etc... Native support
curl 7.10.7 Maintainers Source code Curl is a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, TELNET, DICT, FILE and LDAP. Curl supports HTTPS certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading, kerberos, HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, user+password authentication, file transfer resume, http proxy tunneling and a busload of other useful tricks. Curl has native IPv6 support. Native support
mGet 1.4.1 Maintainers Source code mGet is a command line download manager. It splits the file into a number of segments and uses several separate threads to download each segment. It can handle proxies. Native support
mMosaic 3.7.2 Maintainers Source code mMosaic is a derivative work of NCSA XMosaic 2.7b4. You can use it as a simple browser, but the real target of mMosaic is multicast networking (mMosaic is possibly a good companion for the Whiteboard). Now it supports tables and other supplementary tags, but only one level of frames is supported. mMosaic features IPv6 support since version 3.4.16. Native support
midori 0.2.9 Maintainers Source code Midori is a lightweight web browser, and has many features expected of a modern browser. Native support
Web Caching and/or Filtering
wwwoffle 2.7 Maintainers Source code The wwwoffled program is a simple proxy server with special features for use with dial-up internet links. This means that it is possible to browse web pages and read them without having to remain connected. Native IPv6 support was added in the 2.6d release. Native support
squid 3.1 Maintainer Source code Squid is a full-featured Web proxy cache designed to run on Unix systems. See also . Native support
privoxy 3.1.1 Lionel Elie Mamame Source code Patch Privoxy is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for protecting privacy, filtering web page content, managing cookies, controlling access, and removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy has a very flexible configuration and can be customized to suit individual needs and tastes. Privoxy has application for both stand-alone systems and multi-user networks. Working
www6to4 1.5 Maintainers Source code www6to4 is a little web proxy that can communicate over both IPv4 and IPv6. It's primary use is as stub-proxy between a IPv4-only browser and the rest of the (v4 and v6) Internet. However, it will work just fine on IPv4-only or IPv6-only machines. This proxy is meant to run on a client machine as frontend to an IPv4-only browser and not to serve a large number of clients and keep a cache for them. If you need the latter you're much better off with a full-fledged proxy like squid. Native support
Prometeo 1.4 Maintainers Source code Prometeo (Italian spelling for Prometheus) is a modular proxy that comes with an HTTP caching proxy module, an FTP proxy module with TLS support, a simple TCP tunnel module and an SSL tunnel module. Native support
ffproxy 1.6-RC1 Maintainers Source code ffproxy is a filtering HTTP/HTTPS proxy server. It is able to filter by host, URL, and header. Custom header entries can be filtered and added. It can even drop its privileges and optionally chroot() to some directory. Logging to syslog() is supported, as is using another auxiliary proxy server. An HTTP accelerator feature (acting as a front-end to an HTTP server) is included. Contacting IPv6 servers as well as binding to IPv6 is supported and allows transparent IPv6 over IPv4 browsing (and vice versa). Native support
polipo 1.0.5 Maintainers Source code Polipo is a small and fast caching web proxy. Native support

13. Authentication

13.1. Ident (113:auth)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Identification (RFC1413) servers
Oidentd server
oidentd 2.0.6 Maintainers Source code oidentd is an ident (RFC1413-compliant) daemon that runs on Linux, Darwin, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD and Solaris. oidentd can handle IP masqueraded/NAT connections on Linux, Darwin, FreeBSD (ipf only), OpenBSD and NetBSD and has a flexible mechanism for specifying ident responses. Native support
Pidentd server
pidentd 3.0.16 Maintainers Source code pidentd is an RFC1413-compliant identification server which was very much inspired by Dan Bernstein's original 'authd' Native support

13.2. Kerberos

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Kerberos implementations
heimdal 0.6 Maintainers Source code Heimdal is a free implementation of Kerberos 5. Native support
krb4 1.2.2 Maintainers Source code The KTH Kerberos 4 package is based on eBones (which is based on MIT Kerberos 4 patchlevel 9), but has been severely hacked and is known to work on many different platforms. Native support

13.3. Simple Authentication and Security Layer

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
SASL implementations
cyrus-sasl 2.1.15 Maintainers Source code SASL is the Simple Authentication and Security Layer, a method for adding authentication support to connection-based protocols. To use SASL, a protocol includes a command for identifying and authenticating a user to a server and for optionally negotiating protection of subsequent protocol interactions. If its use is negotiated, a security layer is inserted between the protocol and the connection. See RFC 2222 for more information. cyrus-sasl is a library that implements SASL support. It can be used on the client or server side to provide authentication and authorization services. Native support

14. News

14.1. News (119:nntp)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
News Servers
inn 2.4.0 Maintainers Source code The InterNetNews package (INN) is a complete Usenet system. It includes innd, an NNTP server, and nnrpd, a newsreading server. INN separates hosts that feed you news from those that have users reading news. IPv6 support has been added in the 2.4.0 release. Native support
sn 0.3.6 Felix Von Leitner Source code Patch sn is a small news system for small sites serving perhaps a few dozen newsgroups, and with a slow connection to the internet. It is similar to Leafnode. The target user is a home or SOHO with a single modem connection to the Internet, maybe running IP masq or similar, and serving a few workstations. IPv6 support can be obtained by using Felix Von Leitner's patch for ucspi. Working
leafnode 1.9.38 Maintainers Source code Leafnode is a USENET software package designed for small sites running any flavour of Unix, with a few tens of readers and only a slow link to the net. Unfortunately, the program fetchnews included in the package is not IPv6 compliant. So the newsfeed cannot be handled over IPv6. It seems that leafnode 2 (currently in alpha) will have an IPv6 compliant fetchnews. Working
leafnode+ 2.15 Maintainers Source code Leafnode+ is a USENET software package designed for small sites, with a few tens of readers and only a slow link to the net. Leafnode+ contains three programs, a nntpd clone which allow us to read locally cached news articles, a fetch program which get news articles from remotely servers by using NNTP like user self, and a expire program which expire locally cached news articles. Native IPv6 support has been added in version 2.12. Native support
News Clients
tin 1.4.7 Maintainers Source code tin is a threaded NNTP and spool based UseNet newsreader for a variety of platforms. Native support
thunderbird since 1.0 Maintainers Source code Thunderbird is also a world-class open source news reader client that is based on Mozilla. Since version 1.5 IPv6 is also supported on Win32 platform. Native support
KDE 3.1.2 Maintainers Source code KNode is the newsreaded included in the K Desktop Environment. Native support
sylpheed 0.9.6 Maintainers Source code Sylpheed is an e-mail client and news reader based on GTK+ and running on X Window System. Native support
sylpheed-claws 0.9.5 Maintainers Source code Sylpheed-claws is a bleeding edge branch of the sylpheed e-mail client and news reader, with lots of new features. Native support
SABnzbd 0.5.6 Maintainers Source code SABnzbd is an Open Source Binary Newsreader written in Python. IPv6 support since 0.4.0. Native support

15. Network Time Protocol

15.1. Network Time Protocol (123:ntp)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
NTP servers
NTP 4.1.80-rc1 Maintainers Source code The NTP software package is the official reference implementation of the NTP protocol, which is designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network. The ntpd program is an operating system daemon which sets and maintains the system time of day in synchronism with Internet standard time servers. The development releases of the NTP software natively support IPv6 version 4.1.80-rc1. Native support
NTP clients
NTP 4.1.80-rc1 Maintainers Source code The NTP software package is the official reference implementation of the NTP protocol, which is designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network. The ntpdate program sets the local date and time by polling the NTP server(s) given as arguments to determine the correct time. It must be run as root on the local host. The development releases of the NTP software natively support IPv6 version 4.1.80-rc1. Native support
NTP Testing and Debugging
NTP 4.1.80-rc1 Maintainers Source code The NTP software package is the official reference implementation of the NTP protocol, which is designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network. The ntpq utility is used to query NTP servers which implement the recommended NTP mode 6 control message format about current state and to request changes in that state. The program may be run either in interactive mode or controlled using command line arguments. The development releases of the NTP software natively support IPv6 version 4.1.80-rc1. Native support
NTP 4.1.80-rc1 Maintainers Source code The NTP software package is the official reference implementation of the NTP protocol, which is designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network. The ntpdc utility is used to query the ntpd daemon about its current state and to request changes in that state. The program may be run either in interactive mode or controlled using command line arguments. The development releases of the NTP software natively support IPv6 version 4.1.80-rc1. Native support
NTP 4.1.80-rc1 Maintainers Source code The NTP software package is the official reference implementation of the NTP protocol, which is designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network. The ntptrace utility determines where a given NTP server gets its time from, and follows the chain of NTP servers back to their master time source. If given no arguments, it starts with localhost. The development releases of the NTP software natively support IPv6 version 4.1.80-rc1. Native support

16. Chat

16.1. Internet Relay Chat (194:irc, 6667:ircd)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
IRC Servers
irc 2.10.3p3 Maintainers Source code The irc package contains both an IRC client and a server application. Native support
ircd-hybrid 7.0 Maintainers Source code The hybrid IRC daemon was developed by a team of ircd coders who were frustrated with the instability and all-out "dirtiness" of the EFnet ircd's available. Native support
IRC Clients
bitchx 1.0c19 Maintainers Source code BitchX was started by Trench and HappyCrappy as a script for the ircII client. Around Christmas of 1994, the script was patched directly into the client by Colten Edwards, aka panasync (this was around the time of BitchX-36). Now, nearly ten years old in its client form, BitchX continues to expand and change around the IRC of today. Native support
epic 1.1.12 Maintainers Source code EPIC4 is a new direction in ircII development. No longer is EPIC 100% backwards compatable with ircII, but instead the developers have chosen to find those things where compatability is undesirable, and fix them. No gratuitous incompatabilities have been added, but lots of new code has been added to make EPIC one of the best ircII clients. Native IPv6 support was added in the 1.1.6 release. Native support
xchat 2.0.4 Maintainers Source code Xchat is a graphical IRC client that runs on most BSD and POSIX compliant operating systems. Native support
irssi 0.8.6 Maintainers Source code Irssi is a modular IRC client for UNIX that currently has only text mode user interface, but 80-90% of the code isn't text mode specific, so other UIs could be created pretty easily. Also, Irssi isn't really even IRC specific anymore, there's already working SILC and ICB modules available. Support for other protocols like ICQ and Jabber could be created some day too. Native support
ircii 20030315 Maintainers Source code ircII is an IRC and ICB client that runs under most UNIX platforms. It comes in source form and is completely free of any charges or fees. The ircII project is a group of people who maintain the source code, incorporating fixes and new features. Native support
KDE 3.1.2 Maintainers Source code KSirc is the IRC client included in the K Desktop Environment. Native support
Turbo IRC
Turbo IRC 5 Maintainers Source code TurboIRC 5 is a very powerful IRC client for Windows. Native support
konversation 1.3.1 Maintainers Source code Konversation is a user-friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client built on the KDE Platform. IPv6 support since 1.2. Native support
IRC Bots and Proxies
eggdrop 1.6.15 Maintainers Source code Eggdrop is the most advanced, most popular, and best supported IRC bot. If you've never used a bot before, you'll find Eggdrop provides a staggering array of options for channel management, and can easily be expanded further to provide even more functions. Native support
ezbounce 1.04a Maintainers Source code ezbounce is an IRC proxy server that features multi-user, full access control, IPv6 and SSL support. In addition to basic connection proxying, ezbounce has numerous features for the serious IRC user. All versions of ezbounce up to 1.04a are remotely-exploitable, be sure to apply the security patch released on July 1st 2003. Native support
muh 2.1rc1 Maintainers Source code muh is a quite versatile irc-bouncer for unix. An irc-bouncer is a program that acts as a middleman between your irc-client and your irc-server. The IPv6 support code in muh 2.1rc1 is still experimental. Native support
bnc 2.8.8beta2 Maintainers Source code BNC is a great IRC proxying server released under the GPL. It allows users to connect to chat servers by bouncing off the computer which is running BNC. Basically, it forwards the information from the user to the server and vise versa. BNC up to (and including) 2.8.6 does not have IPv6 support and the IPv6 support code in BNC 2.8.8beta2 is still experimental. Native support
dircproxy 1.1.0 Maintainers Source code dircproxy is an IRC proxy server ("bouncer") designed for people who use IRC from lots of different workstations or clients, but wish to remain connected and see what they missed while they were away. Not working

16.2. Jabber (5222:client-server, 5269:server-server)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Jabber Servers
jabberd 1.4.3 Maintainers Source code The jabberd project aims to provide an open-source server implementation of the Jabber protocols for instant messaging and XML routing. The goal of this project is to provide a scalable, reliable, efficient and extensible server that provides a complete set of features and is up to date with the latest protocol revisions. Native support
ejabberd 0.7.5 Maintainers Source code ejabberd is an extremely featureful Free and Open Source distributed fault-tolerant Jabber server written mostly in Erlang. Native support
Jabberd2 since 2.1 Maintainers Source code jabberd 2.x project is the next generation of the jabberd project. Native support
Jabber Clients
gabber 0.8.8 Maintainers Source code Gabber is a Free and Open Source GNOME client for an instant messaging system called Jabber. Jabber is a Free and Open Source distributed instant messaging system. It does not rely on a single server, and the protocol is well documented. Jabber allows communication with many different instant messaging systems, including ICQ and AIM. Native support

17. Printing

17.1. IPP Server and Client (631:ipp)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
IPP Server
cups 1.2 Maintainers Source code CUPS is an open source implementation of the Internet Printing Protocol. Native support
IPP Client
cups client programs
cups 1.2 Maintainers Source code CUPS is an open source implementation of the Internet Printing Protocol. Native support

18. LDAP

18.1. LDAP Server and Client (389:ldap, 636:ldaps)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
LDAP Server
openldap 2.1.22 Maintainers Source code OpenLDAP is an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Native support

19. X Windows

19.1. X Windows Systems (6000:x11)

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
X Windows Systems at least 6.8 Maintainers Source code The X.Org Foundation provides an open source implementation of the X Window System. Native support
XFree86 4.4.0 Maintainers Source code XFree86, is a freely redistributable open-source implementation of the X Window System. XFree86 runs primarily on UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems such as Linux, all of the BSD variants, Sun Solaris x86, Mac OS X (via Darwin), as well as other platforms like OS/2 and Cygwin. Native support

20. Network Configuration

20.1. Host Configuration

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Primary Network Configuration Tools
ifconfig, route, iptunnel
net-tools 1.60 Maintainers Source code The net-tools package includes the important tools for controlling the network subsystem of the Linux kernel. This includes arp, hostname, ifconfig, netstat, rarp and route. Additionally, this package contains utilities relating to particular network hardware types (plipconfig, slattach) and advanced aspects of IP configuration (iptunnel, ipmaddr). The development of the net-tools package has been stopped and its usage has been deprecated in favor of the iproute2 tool. Native support
ip, tc
iproute2 2.6.33 (2010-02-24) Maintainers Source code The iproute package contains networking utilities (ip and rtmon, for example) which are designed to use the advanced networking capabilities of the Linux 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernel. Note that up to version 2.6.33, tc creates a wrong match for IPv6 flow labels. Working
Stateful and Stateless Address Autoconfiguration Tools
radvd 1.5 (2010-03-05) Maintainers Source code The router advertisement daemon (radvd) is run by Linux or BSD systems acting as IPv6 routers. It sends Router Advertisement messages, specified by RFC 2461, to a local Ethernet LAN periodically and when requested by a node sending a Router Solicitation message. These messages are required for IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration. Native support
dhcpd 4.1.1 (2010-01-18) Maintainers Source code ISC DHCP supports IPv4 and IPv6 (since major version 4). Native support
dhcpv6 1.2.0 (2009) Maintainers Source code DHCPv6 is a stateful address autoconfiguration protocol for IPv6, a counterpart to IPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration protocol. It can either be used independently or it can coexist with its counterpart protocol. This protocol uses client/server mode of operation but can also provide support through a Relay Agent. IPv6 suppport since the beginning. (old URL: (Further development is stopped since 2009-09-22) Too old
dibbler 0.7.3 (2009) Maintainers Source code Dibbler is a portable DHCPv6 implementation. Currently Linux 2.4/2.6 and WindowsXP ports are now being actively developed. Port to windows 2000 also has some limited functionality. In the not so distant future, BSD version will follow. IPv6 suppport since the beginning. Native support
nec_dhcpv6_relay 0.1 Maintainers   NEC distributes a DHCPv6 Server, Client and Relay Agent full implementation which supports RFC3315, RFC3633, RFC3646 and the Internet Drafts draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-opt-timeconfig-03.txt and draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateless-04.txt. The tool has been tested at different interoperability test events with many vendors and is released under the GPL. Looks like project is no longer available (URL is no longer registered). Too old

20.2. Utilities

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
ip6_int N/A Maintainers Source code ip6_int is a Perl script that converts valid IPv6 address to PTR values and valid IPv4 address to PTR values. This Perl program is now historic and its usage is deprecated in favor of ipv6calc. Native support
ipv6calc 0.72.1 (2009) Maintainers Source code ipv6calc is a small but powerful utility written in the C programming language to manipulate (not only) IPv6 addresses. ipv6calc allows the users to convert a given IPv6 address to the compressed format or to the format used by /proc/net/if_inet6. ipv6calc is also the replacement of the old ip6_int Perl program. Native support
ipv6calc 0.72.1 (2009) Maintainers Source code ipv6loganon is a utility to anonymize IPv4 and IPv6 addresses without loosing information about address types. Native support
ipv6calc 0.72.1 (2009) Maintainers Source code ipv6logconv is a utility to convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of logs with special tokens to generate statistics about address type distributions Native support
ipv6calc 0.72.1 (2009) Maintainers Source code ipv6logstats is a utility to count types of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of logs. Native support
sipcalc 1.1.4 (2006) Maintainers Source code sipcalc is an advanced console based IP subnet calculator. Native support

20.3. Routing

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Routing Daemons
MRT 2.2.2a (2000) Maintainers Source code The MRT project is researching new routing software architectures, protocols and tools. Software developed to date includes multi-protocol IPv4/IPv6 routing daemons and routing analysis/simulation tools. MRT software is in active use providing stress testing of commercial routers, collecting and analyzing Internet routing traffic for researchers, and serving as the primary routing software connecting networks to the Internet and the 6Bone. Looks like project is no longer maintained. Too old
zebra 0.95a (2005) Maintainers Source code GNU Zebra is free software (distributed under GNU Generic Public License) that manages TCP/IP based routing protocols. It supports BGP-4 protocol as described in RFC1771 as well as RIPv1, RIPv2 and OSPFv2. Unlike traditional, Gated based, monolithic architectures and even the so-called "new modular architectures" that remove the burden of processing routing functions from the cpu and utilize special ASIC chips instead, Zebra software offers true modularity. Zebra is intended to be used as a Route Server and a Route Reflector. Looks like project is no longer maintained. Too old
quagga 0.99.11 (2008) Maintainers Source code Quagga is a routing software suite, providing implementations of OSPFv2, OSPFv3, RIP v1 and v2, RIPv3 and BGPv4+ for Unix platforms, particularly FreeBSD and Linux and also NetBSD, to mention a few. Quagga is a fork of GNU Zebra which was developed by Kunihiro Ishiguro. The Quagga tree aims to build a more involved community around Quagga than the current centralised model of GNU Zebra. Quagga also supports special BGP Route Reflector and Route Server behavior. In addition to traditional IPv4 routing protocols, Quagga also supports IPv6 routing protocols. With SNMP daemon which supports SMUX protocol, Quagga provides routing protocol MIBs. You can also use Quagga library as your program's client user interface. Native support
GateD NGC 2.0 Maintainers   NextHop Technologies' GateD family of products is a vendor-neutral, comprehensive control-plane solution which provides complete source-code for layer 3 IP routing protocols, MPLS, virtual routing, and virtual private networking. GateD NGC 2.0 is a complete control-plane solution, with all requisite protocols packaged conveniently for inclusion in a variety of next-generation carrier devices. Looks like project is no longer available (URL is no longer registered). Too old
GateD 10.1 Maintainers   NextHop Technologies' GateD family of products is a vendor-neutral, comprehensive control-plane solution which provides complete source-code for layer 3 IP routing protocols, MPLS, virtual routing, and virtual private networking. NextHop GateD software is compliant with all of the important RFCs, and even more importantly, interoperable with all of the industry leaders. It seems that GateD does not support IPv6 Multicast yet. Looks like project is no longer available (URL is no longer registered). Too old
bird 1.0.14 (2009) Maintainers Source code The BIRD project aims to develop a fully functional dynamic IP routing daemon primarily targetted on (but not limited to) UNIX-like systems and distributed under the GNU General Public License. Bird supports BGP, RIP, OSPF (IPv4 only), multiple routing tables, static routes and also an inter-table protocol. Native support
openbgpd 4.4.1 (2009) Maintainers Source code OpenBGPD is a free implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol, Version 4. It allows ordinary machines to be used as routers exchanging routes with other systems speaking the BGP protocol. It supports currently only OpenBSD but probably runs also on FreeBSD. Native support
uolsrd 0.5.6-r4 (2009) Maintainers Source code The UniK OLSR daemon is an implementation of the Optimized Link State Routing protocol (RFC3626) for POSIX (currently only GNU/Linux) systems. Native support
Multicast routing
ecmh 2005.02.09 Maintainers Source code Easy Cast du Multi Hub (ecmh) is a networking daemon that acts as a full IPv6 MLDv1 Multicast Router. This allows IPv6 multicast routing on Linux and soon other OS's that do not implement IPv6 multicast routing. It will also allow IPv4 to IPv6 and IPv6 to IPv4 translation of multicast traffic. Allowing multicast where it is not available at the moment. This code runs on the SixXS POPs where this daemon runs on the POPs and let it easily do multicast IPv6 allowing the m6bone to grow and provide IPv6 multicast and because of the translation also IPv4 multicast everywhere we would want it to be. (Looks like project is no longer maintained) Too old
Statistic Tools
ASpath-tree 4.2 Maintainers   ASpath-tree is a tool to perform IPv6 network operation analysis based on the snapshot of the BGP routing table on IPv6 routers running BGP. Originally designed to be used by an IPv6 site involved in the experimentation of the BGP protocol inside the 6Bone network, it now supports a set of features useful within any operational IPv6 network which makes use of BGP. (URL is no longer valid). Too old
mrtg 2.16.3 (2010-01-20) Maintainers Source code The Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) is a tool to monitor the traffic load on network-links. MRTG generates HTML pages containing graphical images which provide a LIVE visual representation of this traffic. MRTG is based on Perl and C and works under UNIX and Windows NT. MRTG is being successfully used on many sites around the net, and supports IPv6 since the 2.10.0pre1 release. Native support
icpld 1.1.5 (2008-07-29) Maintainers Source code ICPLD is a connection monitor which allows you to keep track of your network connection perfomance. It will log each occasion of broken networking. It runs as a background process, and sends ICMP requests to an ip of your choice. When a reply isn't received within proper amount of time, it will consider the connection as unavailable and put a stamp in its log. Native support

21. Logging

21.1. Event Logging

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
msyslog 1.08g Maintainers Source code Msyslog is a daemon for the syslog system log interface. It is based on OpenBSD's syslog daemon implementation, with many improvements (ie. log hash protection). This project is intended as a whole revision of previous Secure Syslogd project. There are also a few lines taken from the sysklogd project, which got them modified from BSD. Native support
mbsyslog 0.98 Maintainers Source code mbsyslog is a lightweight, minimal, security enhanced implementation of syslog services for Linux. Not working
socklog 1.0.0 Maintainers Source code socklog in cooperation with djb's daemontools is a small and secure replacement for syslogd. There are three main features, syslogd provides: receiving syslog messages from an unix domain socket (/dev/log) and writing them to various files on disk depending on facility and priority; receiving syslog messages from an udp socket ( and writing them to various files on disk depending on facility and priority; writing received syslog messages to an udp socket (a.b.c.d:514). Not working
sysklogd 1.4.1 Maintainers Source code The sysklogd package implements two system log daemons. The syslogd daemon is the general system logging daemon which is responsible for handling requests for syslog services. This version of syslogd is similar to the standard Berkeley product but with a number of compatible extensions. The klogd daemon runs either standalone or as a client of syslogd. Klogd 'listens' to kernel log messages, prioritizes them and routes them to either output files or to syslogd. This version of klogd will optionally translate kernel addresses to their symbolic equivalents if provided with a system map. Not working
syslog-ng since 2.0.0 Maintainers Source code Syslog-ng tries to fill the gaps original syslogd's were lacking: powerful configurability, filtering based on message content, message integrity, message encryption, portability and better network forwarding. Version numbering is similar to that of Linux kernels: odd numbers denote unstable or development versions, even numbers denote stable, production use releases. Native support
rsyslog since 1.14.0 Maintainers Source code Rsyslog is an enhanced multi-threaded syslogd supporting, among others, MySQL, syslog/tcp, RFC 3195, permitted sender lists, filtering on any message part, and fine grain output format control. It is quite compatible to stock sysklogd and can be used as a drop-in replacement. Its advanced features make it suitable for enterprise-class, encryption protected syslog relay chains while at the same time being very easy to setup for the novice user. An optional web interface - phpLogCon - can be used to visualize all data online. Native support

22. Development, Testing and Debugging

22.1. Application & Services Development

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Networking Libraries
GNet 2.0.4 Maintainers Source code GNet is a simple network library. It is written in C, object-oriented, and built upon GLib. It is intended to be easy to use and port. GNet supports TCP client and server sockets, UDP and multicast sockets, high-level TCP connection and server objects, asynchronous socket IO, asynchronous DNS lookup, both IPv4 and IPv6 protocol versions, byte packing and unpacking, URI parsing, SHA and MD5 hashes, Base64 encoding and decoding, SOCKS. GNet comes with documentation and examples and is licensed under the GNU Library General Public License. Native support
SDL_net 1.2.5 Simon Howard Source code Patch SDL_net is a network library that is used with the SDL library, and almost as portable. It allows a programmer to use network functionality without having to code different things for different platforms. It also simplyfies the handling of network connections and data transfer. Working
netwib 5.14.0 Maintainers Source code Netwib is a network library providing many network functionalities, such as address conversion, UDP/TCP clients/servers, packet encoding/decoding/displaying, spoofing and sniffing. Native support
sa 1.2.0 Maintainers Source code OSSP sa is an abstraction library for the Unix socket application programming interface (API) featuring stream and datagram oriented communication over Unix Domain and Internet Domain (TCP and UDP) sockets. It provides the following key features: address abstraction (local, IPv4, and IPv6), type abstraction, I/O timeouts, I/O stream buffering and convenience I/O functions. Native support

22.2. Applications & Services Testing and Debugging

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Service Testing
netcat at least 1.84 Maintainers Source code This version of netcat supports IPv4 and IPv6 and is the current maintained one. Native support
netcat6 0.5 Maintainers Source code Netcat6 is a total rewrite of netcat, with several advantages. It fully supports IPv6 and is far more efficient than its predecessor, utilizing flexible buffering and minimal (or no) data copying or analysis. Moreover, it supports many more platforms. Netcat6 is highly configurable and it can support servers or clients that use TCP half-close. Note that this version is now outdated. Native support
socat Maintainers Source code socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels. Each of these data channels may be a file, pipe, device (serial line etc. or a pseudo terminal), a socket (UNIX, IP4, IP6 - raw, UDP, TCP), an SSL socket, proxy CONNECT connection, a file descriptor (stdin etc.), the GNU line editor, a program, or a combination of two of these. These modes include generation of "listening" sockets, pipes and pseudo terminals. Native support
System Debugging
strace 4.4.98 Maintainers Source code Strace is a system call trace, i.e. a debugging tool which prints out a trace of all the system calls made by a another process/program. The program to be traced need not be recompiled for this, so you can use it on binaries for which you don't have source. Native support

22.3. Programming languages

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Socket6 0.17 Maintainers Source code The Socket6 module provides an interface to the native getaddrinfo(3) and getnameinfo(3) library functions, in order to allow the development of BSD socket based protocol independent applications with the Perl programming language. Native support
IO::Socket::INET6 2.01 Maintainers Source code The IO::Socket::INET6 module provides an object interface to creating and using sockets in both AF_INET and AF_INET6 domain. It is built upon the IO::Socket interface and inherits all the methods defined by IO::Socket. Native support
python 2.3.4 Maintainers Source code Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language which combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. It has modules, classes, exceptions, very high level dynamic data types, and dynamic typing. The standard python interpreter (AKA CPython) natively supports IPv6, but unfortunately the binaries for Microsoft Windows available on the website do not have compiled-in IPv6 support. However, starting from the upcoming 2.4 release of the python interpreter, the binaries for Microsoft Windows will be built with IPv6 support. Native support
ocaml 3.07 Maintainers Source code Patch Objective Caml is a fast modern type-inferring functional programming language descended from the ML (Meta Language) family. The OCaml compiler was developed at INRIA's projet Cristal. Working
ruby 1.8.1 Maintainers Source code Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files and to do system management tasks (as in Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, extensible, and portable. The Ruby interpreter natively supports IPv6 since version 1.3.3. Native support

23. Network Testing and Debugging

23.1. Link Testing

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Link Speed/Performance Testers
ttcp 1.12 Pekka Savola Source code Patch TTCP is a tool for testing TCP connections. It makes a connection on a port selected by the user and transfers fabricated buffers or data copied from stdin. Working
ptcp 3.3 Peter Bieringer Source code Patch PTCP sends via TCP a buffer to a server (mirror) and waits for an echo back. Working
Iperf 1.7.0 Maintainers Source code While tools to measure network performance, such as ttcp, exist, most are very old and have confusing options. Iperf was developed as a modern alternative for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance. Iperf is a tool to measure maximum TCP bandwidth, allowing the tuning of various parameters and UDP characteristics. Iperf reports bandwidth, delay jitter, datagram loss. Native support
echoping 5.0.1 Maintainers Source code echoping is a small program to test (approximatively) performances of a remote host by sending it TCP (or other protocol) "echo" packets. echoping supports IPv6 as well as IPv4, uses the protocols echo, discard, chargen or HTTP, uses UDP instead of TCP for the protocols which accept it (like echo), can repeat the test and display various measures about it, and can use T/TCP on systems which support it. Native support
netperf 2.2pl4 Maintainers Source code Netperf is a benchmark that can be used to measure the performance of many different types of networking. It provides tests for both unidirecitonal throughput, and end-to-end latency. The environments currently measureable by netperf include TCP and UDP via BSD Sockets, DLPI, Unix Domain Sockets, Fore ATM API and HP HiPPI Link Level Access. Native support
Link and Node Testing
ip-utils ss020927 Maintainers Source code The iputils package contains basic networking tools like ping/ping6, tracepath/tracepath6, rdisc and traceroute6. The ping command and its IPv6-enabled version ping6 send a series of ICMP protocol ECHO_REQUEST packets to a specified network host and can tell you if that machine is alive and receiving network traffic. Native support
fping 2.4b2_to-ipv6 Maintainers Source code fping is a ping(1) like program which uses the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request to determine if a host is up. fping is different from ping in that you can specify any number of hosts on the command line, or specify a file containing the lists of hosts to ping. Instead of trying one host until it timeouts or replies, fping will send out a ping packet and move on to the next host in a round-robin fashion. If a host replies, it is noted and removed from the list of hosts to check. If a host does not respond within a certain time limit and/or retry limit it will be considered unreachable. Unlike ping, fping is meant to be used in scripts and its output is easy to parse. Native support

23.2. Route Testing

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Route Testing
ip-utils ss020927 Maintainers Source code The iputils package contains basic networking tools like ping/ping6, tracepath/tracepath6, rdisc and traceroute6. tracepath and its IPv6-enabled version tracepath6 trace path to destination using the Path MTU Discovery technique (RFC1191 and RFC1981). These tools are similar to traceroute, only they don't require superuser privileges and have no fancy options. Native support
ip-utils ss020927 Maintainers Source code The iputils package contains basic networking tools like ping/ping6, tracepath/tracepath6, rdisc and traceroute6. Just like its IPv4 counterpart, traceroute6 tracks the route one's packets follow using the IPv6 protocol `HOP Limit' field and attempting to elicit an ICMPv6 TIME_EXCEEDED response from each gateway along the path to some host. Note that this version is outda ted now. Native support
traceroute at least since 1.0.4 Maintainers Source code Traces the route taken by packets over a TCP/IP network. This version of traceroute supports IPv4 and IPv6 in one binary, but at least version 1.0.4 misses ICMP instead of UDP support. Note that this version is outdated now. Too old
traceroute 2.0.14 (2010-04-27) Maintainers Source code Traces the route taken by packets over a TCP/IP network. This version of traceroute supports IPv4 and IPv6 in one binary and is a major extend version of older ones. It supports UDP, TCP and ICMP traceroutes for both protocols and replaces 'traceroute6' and 'tcptraceroute'. Note that versions below 2.0.24 have problems supporting options -t, -l and -g for IPv6. Native support
mtr at least since 0.71 Maintainers Source code Mtr is a network diagnostic tool that combines ping and traceroute into one program. Native support

23.3. Packet Sniffers

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Packet Sniffing
ngrep 1.45 Maintainers Source code ngrep, also known as network grep is a tool similar to tcpdump which can grep in network payload for pattern. It understands also the pcap filter syntax. Native support

24. Security

24.1. Firewalling

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Packet Filters
netfilter without connection tracking
Linux 2.4/2.6 from 2.4.x up to 2.6.19 Maintainers Source code Linux from 2.4 to 2.6.19 includes a stateless IPv6 packet filter firewall. Working
netfilter with connection tracking
Linux 2.6 since 2.6.20 Maintainers Source code Linux since 2.6.20 includes a stateful IPv6 packet filter firewall, supporting also connection tracking for some upper protocols. Native support
Packet Filter Ruleset Generators
fwbuilder 3.0.4 (2009) Maintainers Source code fwbuilder since version 3.0 (released April 2008) supports now also IPv6. Native support
shorewall 4.2.8 (2009) Maintainers Source code shorewall since 2.4.2 (released December 2008) supports now also IPv6. Native support
Packet Filter Statistics
iptstate 2.2.2 (2009-09-19) Maintainers Source code IP Tables State (iptstate) was originally written to implement the "state top" feature of IP Filter in IP Tables. "State top" displays the states held by your stateful firewall in a top-like manner. Up to 2.2.2 IPv6 support is missing. Not working

24.2. Virtual Private Network

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Virtual Private Networks
Linux 2.6
Linux 2.6 All Maintainers Source code Linux 2.6 includes a robust IPv6-enabled IPSEC stack derived from the USAGI Project IPSEC stack. Native support
FreeBSD 4.0 and beyond Maintainers Source code FreeBSD includes a robust IPv6-enabled IPSEC stack derived from the KAME Project IPSEC stack since version 4.0. Native support
OpenBSD 2.7 and beyond Maintainers Source code OpenBSD includes a robust IPv6-enabled IPSEC stack derived from the KAME Project IPSEC stack since version 2.7. Native support
NetBSD 1.5 and beyond Maintainers Source code NetBSD includes a robust IPv6-enabled IPSEC stack derived from the KAME Project IPSEC stack since version 1.5. Native support
yavipin 0.9.6 Maintainers Source code Yavipind is a secure tunnel aka 2 peers securely forwarding packets toward each other. It forwards any kind of packet (IPv4, IPv6 or other) sent over the virtual point-to-point device (e.g. tun0). It fully runs in linux userspace. Native support
openvpn 1.6.0 Maintainers Source code OpenVPN is an easy-to-use, robust, and highly configurable SSL VPN daemon which can be used to securely link two or more private networks using an encrypted tunnel over the internet. Native support
freeswan 2.06 (2003) Maintainers Source code Linux FreeS/WAN is an implementation of IPSEC and IKE for the Linux operating system. The project's primary objective is to help make IPSEC widespread by providing source code which is freely available, runs on a range of machines including ubiquitous cheap PCs, and is not subject to the US or other nations' export restrictions. At the moment, it seems that this project is no longer maintained and that IPv6 support code in freeswan is still experimental, as the configuration scripts do not support IPv6 yet and the environment setup must be done via low-level tools. This project is no longer active. Too old
openswan 2.2.0dr1 Maintainers Source code Openswan is an Open Source implementation of IPsec for the Linux operating system. Is it a code fork of the FreeS/WAN project, started by a few of the developers who were growing frustrated with the politics surrounding the FreeS/WAN project. At the moment, it seems that IPv6 support code in openswan is still experimental, as the configuration scripts do not support IPv6 yet and the environment setup must be done via low-level tools. Native support
strongswan 4.1.9 Maintainers Source code strongSwan is an OpenSource IPsec implementation for the Linux operating system. It is based on the discontinued FreeS/WAN project and the X.509 patch which we developped over the last three years. The focus is on simplicity of configuration, strong encryption and authentication methods, and powerful IPsec policies supporting large and complex VPN networks. IPv6 host-to-host, net-to-net and roadwarrior IPsec tunnel configurations have now been fully tested and documented in IKEv1 and IKEv2 scenarios. Also supports full interaction of established IPsec tunnels with ip6tables firewall rules via an extended _updown script. Native support

24.3. Security-Related Tools

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Security Auditing
Nmap 5.5 Maintainers Source code Nmap ("Network Mapper") is an open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine against single hosts. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (ports) they are offering, what operating system (and OS version) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. Nmap features IPv6 support since release 3.10 (but not for all scan methods). Native support
halfscan6 0.2 Maintainers Source code A simple TCP/IPv6 port scanner. Native support
nessus 4.4 Maintainers Source code The Nessus Project aims to provide to the internet community a free, powerful, up-to-date and easy to use remote security scanner. A security scanner is a software which will audit remotely a given network and determine whether bad guys (aka 'crackers') may break into it, or misuse it in some way. Nessus is very fast, reliable and has a modular architecture that allows you to fit it to your needs. IPv6 support is included since version 3.2. Native support
Packet Sniffers
tcpdump 3.7.2 Maintainers Source code Tcpdump is the most famous tool for network monitoring and data acquisition. This software was originally developed by the Network Research Group at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Tcpdump uses libpcap, a system-independent interface for user-level packet capture. Before building tcpdump, you must first retrieve and build libpcap. Native support
libpcap 0.7.2 Maintainers Source code libpcap is a system-independent interface for user-level packet capture that provides a portable framework for low-level network monitoring. Applications include network statistics collection, security monitoring, network debugging, etc. Native support
wireshark 0.9.13 (ethereal) Maintainers Source code Wireshark (former known as Ethereal) is a free network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows. It allows you to examine data from a live network or from a capture file on disk. You can interactively browse the capture data, viewing summary and detail information for each packet. Ethereal has several powerful features, including a rich display filter language and the ability to view the reconstructed stream of a TCP session. Native support
COLD 1.0.14alpha Maintainers Source code COLD is both a network anaylsis tool and a protocol analyzer. It is distributed freely, so its usage is free and the package is freely available. COLD is a network monitoring and protocol analyzing tool which allows to study, maintain and troubleshoot networks by extracting flowing data and printing out the contents and structure. COLD has been developed for troubleshooting, educational, security and commercial purposes only. Native support
ndpmon 0.1b Maintainers Source code NDPMon, Neighbor Discovery Protocol Monitor, is a tool working with ICMPv6 packets. NDPMon observes the local network to see if nodes using neighbor discovery messages behave properly. When it detects a suspicious Neighbor Discovery message, it notifies the administrator by writing in the syslog and in some cases by sending an email report. NDPMon is an equivalent of ArpWatch for IPv6. Native support
Packet Forgers
Raw Socket Library
libsock N/A Maintainers Source code Raw Socket Library provides a simple mechanism to send raw socket packet using IPV4 and IPV6 using a simple struct. It currently supports TCP, ICMP, UDP, and ICMPv6. Native support
scapy 2.2.0 Maintainers Source code Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program. Native support

25. Multimedia

25.1. MP3 Players and Encoders

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
MP3 Players
xmms 1.2.8 Maintainers Source code The XMMS player has most of the features of winamp, but of course it has also some special features which are only available for the Linux platform. XMMS features native IPv6 support since release 1.2.8. Native support
freeamp 2.1.1 Fulvio Risso Source code Patch FreeAmp is an extensible, cross-platform audio player. It features an optimized version of the GPLed Xing MPEG decoder which makes it one of the fastest and best sounding players available. FreeAmp provides a number of the most common features users have come to expect in a clean, easy to use interface. Working
mpg123 0.59r KAME Project Source code Patch mpg123 is a real time MPEG Audio Player for Layer 1,2 and Layer3 (MPEG 2.0 with Layer1/2 not heavily tested). Tested with Linux, FreeBSD, SunOS4.1.3, Solaris 2.5, HPUX 9.x and SGI Irix. Plays Layer 3 in stereo on an AMD-486-120Mhz or (of course) a faster machine. (Just for info: mpg123 plays an average 128bps stream, with about 66% in full quality on my AMD 486-133MHz machine). Note: this player is only for non commercial use. Working

25.2. Movie Players and Encoders

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Movie Players and Encoders
MPlayer at least 1.0pre7 Maintainers Source code MPlayer is a movie player for LINUX (runs on many other Unices, and non-x86 CPUs, see the documentation). It plays most MPEG, VOB, AVI, OGG/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, YUV4MPEG, FILM, RoQ, PVA files, supported by many native, XAnim, and Win32 DLL codecs. You can watch VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, DivX 3/4/5 and even WMV movies, too (without the avifile library). Native support

25.3. VOIP/IP-Telephony & Videoconferencing

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
VOIP/IP-Telephony & Videoconferencing
gnomemeeting 3.2.7 Maintainers Source code Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting) is an open source SoftPhone, Video Conferencing and Instant Messenger application over the Internet. Looks like IPv6 support is still only partial. Working

25.4. Audio & Video Streaming Applications

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Audio Streaming Applications
pcm6cast 0.1k Maintainers Source code pcm6cast is a raw PCM audio streaming broadcaster and client using RTP over IPv6 Multicast. It is free open source software released under the LGPL. Unlike VAT and RAT, which are designed primerily for audio conferencing, pcm6cast is designed to be used for audio distribution and broadcast. Native support
RAT 4.2.25 Maintainers Source code The Robust Audio Tool (RAT) is a an open-source audio conferencing and streaming application that allows users to particpate in audio conferences over the internet. These can be between two participants directly, or between a group of participants on a common multicast group. Native support
Video Streaming Applications
VLC 0.8.1 Maintainers Source code The VideoLAN project targets multimedia streaming of MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and DivX files, DVDs, digital satellite channels, digital terrestial television channels and live videos on a high-bandwidth IPv4 or IPv6 network in unicast or multicast under many OSes. VideoLAN also features a cross-platform multimedia player, VLC, which can be used to read the stream from the network or display video read locally on the computer under all GNU/Linux flavours, all BSD flavours, Windows, Mac OS X, BeOS, Solaris, QNX, Familiar Linux... Native support

26. Databases

26.1. Databases

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
postgresql 9.0 Maintainers Source code PostgreSQL is a SQL database. IPv6 support is included since version 7.4. IPv6 data type is at least available since version 8.2. Native support
mysql TBD Maintainers Source code MySQL is a SQL database. IPv6 was started in 6.0 alpha, but this version is no longer further developed. Buggy

27. Backup

27.1. Backup

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
Backup Solutions
Amanda 3.1.13 Maintainers Source code Amanda is a client/server backup solution. IPv6 support is included since version 2.5.2. Native support
Bacula since 5.0 Maintainers Source code Bacula is a set of Open Source, enterprise ready, computer programs that permit you (or the system administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of computers of different kinds. Bacula is relatively easy to use and efficient, while offering many advanced storage management features that make it easy to find and recover lost or damaged files. In technical terms, it is an Open Source, enterprise ready, network based backup program. Native support

28. Transition Tools

28.1. Transition Tools

Application Package Version Worked By URLs Comment Status
naptd 0.4.2 Maintainers Source code NAT-PT (Network Address Translation - Protocol Translation) is an IETF RFC specification for an IPv4 to IPv6 protocol translator. This is a NAT-PT implementation for the Linux platform designed to run in userspace. Native support
IPv4-to-IPv6 and IPv6-to-IPv4 Bouncers
46Bouncer 3.0 Maintainers Source code 46Bouncer is a very simple tool that is able to accept TCP/UDP connections in IPv4/6 and forward them to an application in IPv6/4. In other words, it acts as a proxy between the IPv4 and IPv6 world (and vice versa). Native support
Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol
dtcpc and dtcps
dtcp 20030228 Maintainers Source code dtcpc and dtcps implement the server part of the Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol (DTCP for short) proposed by Trumpet: Native support
dtcpclient 20030324 Maintainers Source code dtcpclient implement the client part of the Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol (DTCP for short) proposed by Trumpet: Native support
ng_teredo 1.13 Maintainers Source code Teredo allows nodes located behind an IPv4 NAT to obtain IPv6 unicast connectivity by tunnelling packets over UDP/IPv4. This service has 3 entities: the "Teredo Server", the "Teredo Relay" and the "Teredo client". A Teredo Server is stateless whereas the Teredo Relay keeps a state of each peer. ng_teredo is a Teredo implementation for FreeBSD. Native support
miredo (implicit IPv6 support) Maintainers Source code Miredo is a Unix daemon which implements the "Teredo: Tunneling IPv6 over UDP through NATs" Internet draft specification. It can be used to provide IPv6 connectivity to users behind NATs which do not support IPv6 or even Proto-41 forwarding. For this to work, users need to have Teredo clients running on their systems. Miredo runs on GNU/Linux and BSD. Native support
Bump-in-the-API (BIA)
BIAsed (implicit IPv6 support) Maintainers Source code BIAsed is an explanation and partial implementation of the "Bump-in-the-API" (BIA) technique, which allows for the hosts to communicate with other IPv6 hosts using existing IPv4 applications. Native support
tayga (implicit IPv6 support) Maintainers Source code TAYGA is an out-of-kernel stateless NAT64 implementation for Linux that uses the TUN driver to exchange IPv4 and IPv6 packets with the kernel. It is intended to provide production-quality NAT64 service for networks where dedicated NAT64 hardware would be overkill. Native support
Transport Relay Translator
pTRTd 0.5.2 Maintainers Source code The Portable Transport Relay Translator Daemon (pTRTd) is a method of allowing IPv6 hosts to communicate with IPv4 hosts. It is a TRT as specified by RFC 3142, similar to the Faith package implemented by the KAME project. However, unlike Faith, it doesn't depend on special support in the kernel IPv6 stack, and thus should be fairly easy to port to most Unix-like operating systems. Since December 2010 this project is officially declared as dead! Too old

29. Contact us

If you find obsolete information in this page or simply want to report us updated information about the IPv6 support of an application, please send an email to the mailing list. Thank you very much for you kind collaboration.

30. Other sources of information

If you are looking for information about a specific application which you can't find here, you could also take a look at:

31. Credits

Many thanks to the following people for reporting errors or new information:

  • Hideaki YOSHIFUJI

  • Hasso Tepper

  • Jon Brock

  • Bert Vermeulen

  • Sander Jonkers

  • Olivier Cahagne

  • Filippo Natali

  • Anders Widman

  • Hajimu UMEMOTO

  • Christian Strauf

  • Enrico Ardizzoni

  • Xavier Brouckaert

  • Daniel O'Neill

  • Michael Chourdakis

  • Andreas van Cranenburgh

  • Pierre-Maël Cretinon

  • Roland Baum

Updated 18.02.2017 Documentation | DeepSpace6

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