About Us

What is Deep Space 6?

Deep Space 6 is an initiative created to promove the deployment of the new IPv6 protocol, especially targeting the Linux community.

We aim at being a reference website for the users who are interested in the new IPv6 protocol and in its usage with the Linux operating system.

We are also interested in improving the IPv6 compliance of existing opensource software and to develop new IPv6-based opensource solutions and services.

Our project is born from the experience of two of the most important Linux- and IPv6-related initiatives: Project 6 and Peter Bieringer's website and has so far produced interesting results.

In fact, even if the Deep Space 6 initiative has been created only a few months ago, our site already publishes many IPv6-related articles and HOWTOs (among which you can find Peter Bieringer's famous Linux+IPv6 HOWTO) and a rich collection of IPv6-enabled opensource software.


Deep Space 6 is an initiative which, right from its birth, is open to every kind of collaboration with volunteers and other similar projects.

In particular, we are willing to:

  • host new IPv6-related opensource software projects and provide our help in their development
  • collaborate with other projects and/or add a link to their homepages
  • create new mailing lists for especially interesting arguments or projects

You are invited to send us your comments about our work or, even better, join us in our effort. Please contact us at info@deepspace6.net.

Updated 18.02.2017DeepSpace6

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